Hera Fitri Yulia, Tri Sukirno Putro, Jahrizal Jahrizal


Human development is one of the long-term goals of every country, including Indonesia. Therefore every region in Indonesia, both at the provincial and district and city levels must be able to improve human development. Because basically the better human development, the better the economy of a country or region. But in reality human development in all parts of Indonesia, especially in the Riau Province region is still not evenly distributed for each district / city. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the Effect of Dimensions of Human Development Index on Economic Growth of Regencies / Cities in Riau Province in 2010-2018. This type of research used in this study is a survey research (survey research) with explanations and hypothesis testing (explanatory) using quantitative and exploratory methods. The sample in this study is the index of human development and economic growth (GRDP) from regencies / cities in Riau province since 2010-2018. This research uses path analysis and also SPSS 21.00 as an analysis tool. The results showed that: 1) Life Expectancy has no significant effect on Regency and City Economic Growth (GRDP) in Riau Province. 2) School Expectation Rate does not have a significant effect on Regency and City Economic Growth (GRDP) in Riau Province. 3) Per capita expenditure has a significant effect on Regency and City Economic Growth (GRDP) in Riau Province.


Life Expectancy; School Expectancy,; Expenditures Per Capita; Human Development Index; and Economic Growth (GRDP)

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