Irlisma Irlisma


One type of media that may be used in the accounting learning process is Lectora Inspire Based Interactive Learning Media. This instructional medium is simple to use and can be run offline, allowing users to work independently. The finished product is learning media that may be used on a user's computer/laptop without the need for software. It is projected that adopting Lectora Inspire-based learning media will improve knowledge of teaching materials, motivation, and student learning outcomes in accounting. This classroom action research was carried out in two (two) cycles, with 70.27% of students failing to meet the preset minimum completeness criteria scores in the first cycle. Only 29.23% were able to complete the minimum completeness criteria. The average value achieved was 72.11. During the second cycle following the action with interactive learning media based on lectora inspire, 27.03% of students had not completed the minimum completeness criteria and 72.97% had completed it. The average score attained was 79.38, and the average value increased by 7.27 points from the first to the second cycle. This suggests that the usage of lecture-based learning material can improve student learning results.


Interative Learning, Lectora Inspire, Learning Outcomes

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