Junika Yeni, Henny Indrawati, Caska Caska


This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial spirit and creativity on the success of small cake industry businesses in Pekanbaru City.  The sample in this study were 60 cake entrepreneurs in Pekanbaru City which were taken using simple random sampling technique. This research is a quantitative study and uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis and multiple Imier regression using the SPSS statistics program vers 25. The results of this study found: 1) Entrepreneurial spirit has a positive and significant effect on business success with a significant value of 0.027 < 0 05: 2) Creativity has a positive and significant effect on business success with a significant value of 0.013 < 0.05; and 3) Entrepreneurial spirit and creativity have a positive and significant effect on business success with a significant value of 0.002 < 0.05.  This means that the high and low entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of an entrepreneur have an impact on business success.  The higher the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of entrepreneurs, the higher the level of achievement of business success of the small cake industry in Pekanbaru City.


Entrepreneurial Spirit, Creativity, Business Succes

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