Suarman ', D. Ayub '


The character development of entrepreneurship in formal education in line with the
national policy in the field of education, which has prepared the concept of
entrepreneurship-based curriculum for all levels of education. The research
objective was to assess the entrepreneurial character of teachers SMA Negeri
Kecamatan Tambang, Kampar district. This is a descriptive quantitative research
conducted by survey. The sample was 114 teachers. Data were collected using a
questionnaire which is based on Likert scale of five options, and the data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical inference. This study found that
the entrepreneurial character of teachers SMA Negeri Kecamatan Tambang,
Kampar district viewed by 16 indicators obtained very high value Mean 4, 27 and
Standard Deviasi 0.86. Meaning, the entrepreneurial character of teachers has been
very good, all the indicators are already owned by the teacher with an excellent and
very high, but still needs to be improved by strengthening the entrepreneurial
character in the learning activities, with the coaching aspects relating to indicators.
The results of this study will be as well as teaching materials and self-improvement
of the entrepreneurial character, especially in the educational institution, teachers
and students, in order to realize the will of Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National
Education System Article 3, which states that the national education serves to
develop skills and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in
the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of
learners to be a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens democratic and


character, entrepreneurship, teacher

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/pekbis.9.1.11-17


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